Children are not just small adults. The have unique physiology which changes much more rapidly than grownups. This actually often makes it easier to get their bodies back in balance – but it is also why they have such high and rapid fevers when they get sick.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of pediatric care and I have been trained in both pediatric herbal formulas & acupuncture. Additionally, at Beth Israel (now Mt. Sinai) hospital I had the honor and pleasure of practicing in-patient acupuncture in their wonderful pediatrics department.
There, I also learned the benefits of treating the whole family. There is little that is more stressful or anxiety ridden than when your child is sick. I believe families are units – so, if the parents are interested, the whole family unit gets cared for in my pediatric practice.
Common ailments in children & adolescents, treatable by TCM
•Depression •Anxiety •ADD/ADHD •Behavioral Issues •Night terrors and nocturnal enuresis •Painful and/or irregular periods |
•Asthma •Eczema •Psoriasis •Allergies •Diabetes/weight issues •Digestive issues |
Additionally, I have done a fair bit of work with children with autism. It has not been my experience that TCM can cure or even treat autism directly, but I have seen it mitigate some extreme behavior – which occurs especially in puberty – and help with some of the common digestion problems these children can experience. Please call or write me if you have any questions about what TCM can do for your child.
See below for an in-house video we did at BIMC about how we manage fear of needles & clean needle technique in the hospital.