What Are Those Prescription Drugs Doing in Your Body, Anyway? – You live in your body – not your doctor, Part III
It was a long and arduous process, but after years of research and millions of dollars, various drug companies have probably managed to offer you remedies for some of your ailments. These remedies came in a little brown bottle full of pills expertly prescribed by your physician. Probably, some pills made you feel better, some made you feel worse and others just plain didn’t work. They usually come in a small pharmacy bag with all manner of warnings stapled to […]
To D or Not to (Vitamin D)? – Using Medical News Wisely
The year before last you couldn’t go more than one winter week without a headline or news anchor telling you that your winter blues may be due to vitamin D deficiency, at which point vitamin manufacturers and sellers everywhere littered your grocery store aisles with vitamin D bottles. We all took loads of vitamin D. Jump two years forward. A recent study came out suggesting that vitamin D deficiency does not cause depression, but data implies it is the reverse. Depression causes […]
You Live in Your Body – Not Your Doctor
I don’t know when it happened, exactly. But at some point in the last few decades, we as a nation, collectively turned over our bodies to doctors and said “here, fix this and get back to me when you have it sorted out.” It makes some sense. We need lawyers for legal things. Accountants for the undecipherable tax code, and so on. We outsource complex things to complexity experts. It’s a useful division of labor. But outsourcing your health is […]
How Numb Can We Get? …A lot Numb
Last week the New England Journal of Medicine published an alarming fact. When drug makers tried to reformulate OxyContin so that it was harder to get “a high” from it – people did reduce their OxyContin usage. And then they switched to heroin. When I read this I laughed. I mean I could not stop laughing for days. “Oh, the human condition, how we cannot be thwarted from our addictions!” I chuckled. I shared this story with others and made them […]
Exercise – You Need It.
Don’t take my word for it, take this doctor’s review of a fair amount of research. Watch this video— there is no better way to spend the next 10 minutes.